Rental Housing Management Resources
Below is a useful resource list for the staff at apartment communities and property management companies.
Greater Nashville Regional Council
The mission of the Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) is to assist local communities and state agencies in the development of plans and programs that guide growth and development in the most desirable, efficient and cost-effective manner, while ensuring the continued long-term livability of the region. In carrying out this mission, GNRC convenes elected leadership and local practitioners to brainstorm strategies for improving quality of life; facilitates cooperative policy-making in order to prioritze state and federal investments into area social services and public infrastructure; and provides a public forum for Middle Tennesseans to shape regional decisions.
Visit Greater Nashville Regional Council
Metro Nashville Codes Department
Metro Codes is responsible for licensing building and trade contractors, and inspecting properties and processing various permit applications such as commericial building permits, residential building permit procedures and construction permits. Codes also maintains the Zoning Division Department and the Property Standards.
Visit Metro Nashville Codes Department
Nashville Civic Design Center
Founded in 2000, the Nashville Civic Design Center (NCDC) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to elevate the quality of Nashville's built environment and to promote public participation in the creation of a more beautiful and functional city for all. Towards this end, the NCDC: promotes the Ten Principles of The Plan of Nashville; educates the public about civic design through lectures by prominent speakers; presentations on the history and practice of urban design; and continuing education opportunities for design and development professionals; provides professional staff and highly qualified design interns to consult on civic and other community development projects; facilitates public dialogue about civic design and its impact in Nashville; researches and publishes reports on various civic design issues.
Visit Nashville Civic Design Center
Nashville Metropolitan Planning Commission
The Metropolitan Planning Commission is required to adopt a general plan for the physical development of Nashville and Davidson County. The MPC is charged with approving, approving with conditions, or disapproving subdivision requests. The Commission receives a recommendation from its staff, holds a public hearing and then makes a decision. The Planning Commission operates in an advisory role to the Metropolitan Council on zoning change requests. Other duties include recommending changes, as needed, to the text of the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations, preparing the Capital Improvements Budget, and employing an Executive Director to direct the Metro Planning Department staff and carry out the work program of the Planning Commission.
Visit Metropolitan Planning Commission
Nashville Metropolitan Public Health Department
The mission of the Public health department is to protect, improve and sustain the health and well-being of all people in Nashville and Davidson County. The foundational health goals are as followed:
- Improve and Sustain Family and Child Well-Being
- Promote and Support Healthier Living
- Create Healthier Community Environments
- Prevent and Control Epidemics and Respond to Public Health Emergencies
- Increase Access and Connection to Clinical Care
Visit Metropolitan Public Health Department
ULI Nashville
Around the world, communities face pressing health challenges related to the built environment. For many years, ULI and its members have been active players in discussions and projects that make the link between human health and development; we know that health is a core component of thriving communities. The ULI Building Healthy Places Initiative will build on that work with a multifaceted program—including research and publications, convenings, and advisory activities—to leverage the power of the Institute’s global networks to shape projects and places in ways that improve the health of people and communities.
Find out what rental housing contributes to the national, state and local level by viewing these published reports that are regularly updated. The economic reports can be used in a variety of ways when planning, budgeting and more in the multi-family industry.