GNAA brings you the resources needed for professional growth in the rental housing industry while hosting a variety of networking events to connect members throughout the year.

Management Company

For Management Company members:

  • All membership applicants must pay an additional $25 nonrefundable administrative fee.
  • All membership dues are pro-rated depending on the quarter you join GNAA. New members who join in the 4th quarter will automatically be billed for the upcoming year, too.
  • All membership applications are presented to the Board of Directors once a month for approval.

Management Company Annual Dues with local units - $385

Management Companies with apartment communities in the Nashville listed MSA are required to report/pay dues on all of their apartment communities with 50 or more apartment units. 

Management Company Annual Dues with no local units - $560

Management Companies that have apartment communities with under 50 units in the listed Nashville MSA are required to pay $560.

Join as Management Company

Apartment Community

For Apartment Community members:

  • All membership applicants must pay an additional $25 nonrefundable administrative fee.
  • All membership dues are pro-rated depending on the quarter you join GNAA. New members who participate in the 4th quarter will automatically be billed for the upcoming year, too.
  • All membership applications are presented to the Board of Directors once a month for approval.
  • Any Apartment Community with a local management company that is not a member will not be eligible for membership.
  • Any apartment community with a Management Company located outside of the Nashville MSA and that is not a GNAA member will only be required to pay a per-unit fee, as seen below.
Apartment Community Dues (2025):
 Unit Count  Price Per Unit
1 - 50 Contact GNAA directly for pricing
51 - 250 $4.19 per unit
251 - 1000 $3.91 per unit
1001 - 2000 $3.64 per unit
2001 - 3000 $3.36 per unit
3001 - 4000 $3.09 per unit
4001 - 5000 $2.81 per unit

Join as Apartment Community


For Supplier members:

  • All membership applicants must pay an additional $25 nonrefundable administrative fee.
  • All membership dues are pro-rated depending on the quarter you join GNAA. New members who join in the 4th quarter will automatically be billed for the upcoming year, too.
  • All applications are presented to the Board of Directors once a month for approval.
  • GNAA is keenly aware of the importance of the Supplier Member to our association. Keep in mind that membership does not automatically guarantee the business of our members. You must promote your products and services to GNAA members.
2025 Supplier Annual Dues - $499
Join as Supplier