Cancellation Policy
Please review the GNAA policies in place for registering for educational courses and events.
GNAA Events Cancellation Fees
GNAA reserves the right to add cancellation fees to any event. When canceling a registration, we require all members to provide a three-day notice. A $35 non-attendance fee will apply if written notice is not given within 3 days before the event.
GNAA Education Courses and Events* General Cancellation Policy
GNAA does not allow for member cancellations of education courses or events once a member has registered. A member’s registration potentially prevents other members from registering for the education course and/or event, so members are held accountable for their registration and any associated fees. However, members can transfer their registration to other members within their organization at no cost. Registration transfer requests can be submitted in writing via email to or converted at check-in. In instances where a member wishes to make a cancellation request without transferring the registration to another member, the request must be received in writing to and will be reviewed by GNAA; the member requesting the cancellation will be notified whether his or her request to cancel registration has been accepted or not.
A member who registers for an education course and/or event but does not attend and does not transfer his or her registration will be responsible for the education course and/or event fees in full.
If GNAA cancels an education course or event for any reason, all pre-paid member registrations will be issued a refund or will have their member account credited with the refund amount.
GNAA Transfer Policy
GNAA allows members to transfer their registration for education courses and/or events to other members within their organization at no cost. The transfer request can be made in writing via email to or at check-in at the education course and/or event.
Policy for Postponement and/or Cancellation of Education Courses and Events* by GNAA
In situations in which education courses and/or events are postponed by GNAA for any reason, cancellations will not be considered unless the member provides a cancellation request in writing via email to that includes the reason as to why that member is not able to attend that specific education course or event on the new date. Each cancellation request received in writing will be reviewed by GNAA and the member requesting the cancellation will be notified whether his or her request to cancel registration has been accepted or not. Members may transfer their registration for an event or education class at no cost to another member within their organization; registration transfer requests can be submitted in writing via email to or converted at check-in.
The decision to postpone or cancel an education course and/or event shall be at GNAA’s sole discretion and does not entitle registrants to rights or damages resulting from the cancellation.
Sponsorship Cancellation Policy
Sponsorship cancellation requests must be provided in writing via email to before the marketing of the sponsorship event and/or education course has begun; once a cancellation request is received, the cancellation request will be turned over to the GNAA Board of Directors for approval or denial. Once marketing materials identifying sponsors of events and/or education courses have been created, sponsorship commitments will be upheld and the sponsorship amount will be charged to the member account, no exceptions.
Registration Payments
Once a member has registered for a course or event, members can pay their invoices via credit card in their account on or members can request an invoice to be emailed/mailed for payment. All invoices should be paid within 30 days of the invoice date unless the 30-day mark falls on or after the date of the education course or event; in those cases, payment should be made the day prior to the education course or event. In instances of non-payment, GNAA reserves the right to cancel a member registration.
Please note it is a member responsibility to ensure invoice addresses and email addresses are updated. GNAA is not responsible for outdated member information for invoice billing contacts.
If a member does not respond to a payment reminder, a statement showing all open invoices shall be sent via email or first-class mail to the member; when a member hits 60+ days past due, a phone call will be made. If a member invoice hits 90+ days with no payment on an invoice, a final letter will be sent via email or first-class mail advising the member that the overdue amount will be sent to an attorney for collection and a phone call reminder will be made. On 120+ days of no payment on an invoice, the member's account shall be referred to an attorney's office for collection action up to and including the institution of legal proceedings as approved by the GNAA Board of Directors and a final phone call reminder will be made. Any members who are delinquent on invoice payments will be prohibited from registering for any education courses and/or events until payment is made in full.
*events include all meetings, luncheons and other miscellaneous events where a registration fee was charged.